Some random bits:
This morning, on our way across town, another UNJLCer, Hugo, and I saw a local man stopping his bike along the side of the road to take whiz in the tall grass. He was an older man, very thin, wearing ragged shorts and a stained t-shirt, both more or less the color of the drying grasses that stood as high him beside the road; on his head he wore a rather dirty Santa hat. Something I can't explain.
Then later today, Hugo, who attracts mishaps and misadventures like light bulbs attract bugs, returned to his tent after dinner to find that one of the chickens that live in the compound had somehow managed to sneak into his tent to lay an egg on his bed. Apparently one of the cleaners had left the tent open.
Chickens, goats, and Dutchmen (Hugo is Dutch) aren't the only animals living in the compound. A large lizard has moved in underneath my tent. I seem him looking out at me occasionally, as his door is adjacent to mine, and I hear him scratching around underneath the heavy rubberized floor at all hours. I just hope I don't step on him.
Trading haircuts in Juba. That's Scott, the other GIS guy at UNJLC.